Monday 20 March 2017

OUGD503 - Studio brief 02 - Final posters and sticker designs

Once Joe had completed the illustration then it had to be handed over to a graphic designer. It was Ben's job to add in the type as this is the main part of the design. Everyone had a lot of input on the design as it was designed, but Ben wanted to make it better than just adding the type over the top. He wanted the type to become part of the original design so to make it fit in he layered the type and illustrations elements under and on top of each other.

The concept of the poster is heavy influenced by our research into the culture, the colour scheme is based on the Pigalle basketball court which is an area of Paris that is very representative of the people that we are showcasing, although it may not be used by every young Parisian its the type of people that get involved with activities in this area and the sort of things that these people are doing. The people again in the colour of the basketball court as this then doesn't make them represent just one race, we have used the bold colours to show that it doesn't matter what you look like or when gender you are they're all enjoying this time together.

In addition to the main poster, Ben designed some more type based posters that can support the main poster. The reason for this is because we are trying to show the culture through type and there is defiantly more one way to show off the culture as it is so diverse it has many ways that it can be represented specially through type and colour. 

The final stickers took key aspects from the main poster such as the characters, with the message of 'NOW' being my personal favourite as it engages and encourages the audience.

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