Thursday 23 March 2017

OUGD503 - Studio brief 02 - Evaluation

To conclude on a brief that I personally feel has been a success, not just for me but the whole group in which I collaborated with. Before the group even undertook any work we had to fill out a creative partnership form, with questions such as what creative skills and non creative skills do you have to bring to the team? and what roles do you see yourself doing in collaboration? I feel as if I have stuck by my original plans for this collaboration with me offering my skills when needed. I noted that I am organised in my own work so I hope that reflected in my collaboration work for this brief, such as setting job roles and tasks for us all to undertake.

In the creative partnership questions, I felt that 'What do you see your specific job roles being in collaboration?' as the most important.

Above is my response and as you can see I stressed that finding distinct roles for this brief was key and now that its all done, I can say that it all worked. To start with research we all separated tasks which was time efficient and made it easier to collate all our findings but when it came to production, myself and Ben were able to easily decided upon the jobs a graphic designer would have to undertake. In terms of my team, I am glad I worked with both as our working relationship was smooth throughout the brief. Our regular meetings allowed us to iron out any concerns about the brief which made it easier for everyone to progress along the way.

To talk more about the brief itself, picking Parisian youth culture to represent was a shrewd group decision as I feel like Ive learnt so much about this upcoming youth culture. I especially liked the research process as it allowed me to research French graphic design and the industry within Paris which was insightful to say the least. In terms of what the team created, I couldn't be more happier as we all feel its such a well justified concept and final piece. From the use of Noto to the colours used in the posters, video and stickers we felt the amount of research we undertook payed off in the end.

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