Sunday 12 March 2017

OUGD503 - Studio brief 02 - Group meeting & Ideas

After our last group meeting we set the next meeting for Friday 10th March in room 130, we all had individual tasks to report on during this meeting and we all felt this was the penultimate meeting before we started designing and illustrating.

Between the last meeting and this one, Joe sketched initial ideas which were influenced by the imagery we found in research such as the Pigalle basketball court along with figures which represented Parisians with a youth twist. Myself and Ben were both enthusiastic with Joe's sketches at this point, as Joe presented us with wide variety of initials for the group to select a few to develop further.

Above the initial sketches that would sit behind the type in the main poster, each sketch represents the culture in a different way. For example the interlinking hands to show unity but the skin colours would be various colours to show diversity.

More developed sketches with the inclusion of colour that is informed again by Pigalle and typical French colours. We all pictured the geometric shapes of some of the sketches to compliment the typography, as a simple composition would help highlight the type.  

As a group decision we all agreed on two sketches for Joe to take further and develop, collectively we all liked the sketches but thought the two that stood out were the ones that can be applied to a number of touch points. Firstly the sketch of youth figures interlinked visually represents so much in my opinion, it includes people, dancing, the geometric shapes of Pigalle basketball court and typical French objects such as a baguette. The second option was the 2D sketch of the court, we talked about how this sketch can used digitally in the video in which we have to produce as a part of the brief. As myself and Ben are both graphic designers we pictured this sketch working with type, and could imagine a number of outcomes for this sketch. As Joe now had a set role to go with, we had to decide upon a colour palette that would be used throughout the ideas to create a cohesive identity for Parisian youth culture.

Above is the colour palette we agreed upon, its a collection of primary colours but with well informed reasoning behind them. As we selected the Pigalle basketball court sketch to develop further it seemed relevant to use the colours from the court, but these colours can also form the French flag colours so its a functional yet versatile colour palette. 

After we moved on from the sketches it was time to discuss ideas surrounding the type choice for myself and Ben to experiment with, as I researched into French design and typography I could then inform the group of what I found and aim to relate it to the brief. Typography I looked into included Noto , PS Fournier and the Paris metro systems typography. From this research we were able brainstorm ways in which we could use these typefaces to visually represent Parisian youth culture. 

As a group we felt Noto is a well informed type choice as it was designed by Monotype themselves but also Noto celebrates the diversity of over 800 languages. The fact that is represents all these different cultures, communities and languages mirrors our idea to represent Parisian youth culture as multicultural culture. Furthermore Noto represents multicultural innovation similar to Parisian youth culture at the moment, as we've found the youth are pushing back against the prehistoric weight of the capital. 

Noto can be used for so many languages including all the major ethnic groups in Paris, so it allows us to have bilingual design. In addition by only using Noto it allows us to represent every culture and nationality in Parisian youth culture with one type choice. Noto is available in both serif and sans serif so this will lead to further development and experimentation. 

Our next point of discussion in this meeting was the touchpoints required for the brief, it states for the graphic design campaign to include at least one poster, one video and one other touchpoint. We had all already discussed the poster and video but needed to consider the other touchpoint which could be banners, badges, newspaper ads, website banners or any other online promotional ads. These are all just examples provided by Monotype but we wanted to think about what related to our culture and how we'd evoke better cultural understanding through this other touchpoint. As a group we thought of tote bags, t-shirts and stickers but questioned which one would actually serve a real purpose. The one output which is relevant to the culture is stickers, I personally pictured the areas of Paris which Ben researched and they all had unique street art, and street art often encompasses stickers. Stickers can be placed anywhere and can act as guerilla advertising, while being actively engaging. 

To round the meeting off we set another time plan and job roles for the upcoming week. The time plan this time around was up to Wednesday 15th March and consisted of Joe developing the two sketches, myself and Ben experimenting with Noto and gathering inspiration for both video and poster. By Wednesday we would have completed illustrations, to enable us to begin all the outputs of this brief. 

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