Friday 31 March 2017

OUGD505 - Studio brief 01 - Ideas

As a part of the idea generation it was essential to know exactly what I wanted to celebrate and what the message would be. Thanks to feedback and personal preference I chose to celebrate Leeds city council saving the picture house in 1989 as a pivotal moment for the cinema but also the people of Leeds. Therefore I needed to clarify what I exactly wanted to show in my poster and what the unique qualities of the event were.

From research I found these key facts from the event in 1989 and the positive affect it has left:

  • Now owned by Leeds City Council as part of the Leeds Grand Theatre and Opera House Limited. This independent company within the council is dedicated to preserving, and securing the future of Leeds most historically and culturally significant venues. 
  • In the following years after the picture house was saved the building was granted grade II listing. Reserving the original features such as an ornate balcony external box office, and the only remaining gas lit cinema in the United Kingdom. 
  • Since the council saving the cinema it remains the 'cosiest cinema in Leeds'
  • Despite the influx of big cinema and streaming services such as Netflix, the picture house is all the more able to be a constant, and a regular friendly face in an ever changing social landscape.
Now that I had all the research I needed it was time to generate ideas on the best way to celebrate the council saving the cinema.

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