Thursday 16 March 2017

OUGD503 - Studio brief 02 - Group meeting

We had organised a group meeting for the 15th March and the main aims for this meeting were to set job roles for stickers, poster and animation. But before all that everyone presented what they'd been up to in terms of the set tasks and job roles from the previous meeting. Firstly Joe presented the final illustration to be used in the main poster, and even from the initial sketches I knew that the final illustration would look amazing but it fully exceeded my expectations. The final is exactly what everyone wanted, it communicates freedom and youth in a rather French way I believe.

Now we had the final illustration it was time to start thinking about the final main poster and how we'd integrate type with the illustration. Personally I know that Ben was eager to make a poster as he wanted to test himself with the mix of type and all the layering in Illustrator, so Ben volunteered for the main poster design. As I'm the other graphic designer in the group I personally wanted to test myself too so I put myself forward for the animation, I had a number of ideas already for the animation so I was eager to get started. With Joe completing the main illustration, as a group we believed the best way to utilise his skills was using illustration again for the stickers.

Now that we all had specific job roles up to our print and photography studio slots on the 20th, it was time to individually go away and complete our roles to the highest standard and in time for our set deadline but also the D&AD deadline on the 22nd March. 

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