Monday 27 March 2017

OUGD503 - Studio brief 01 - Display Wizard development

As a part of development it was appropriate to consider the message, tone of voice and content of the banner and pop up stand.

The best possible way to communicate the building in sqm and how many creative students work within that proximity was a typographic approach with a strong message. This idea highlights that students at LCA working alongside each other and how they creatively benefit from this as a creative mind is never far away. But also it shows the space of the university and the vast amount of facilities available. As I discussed in early idea generation, I wanted to include the distinctive Yorkshire dialect to communicate one of the unique qualities of the region, yet acting as a welcoming tone.

By eck = By hell
Ey up = Hello, watch out
Allus = Always

"By eck we have 5678sqm of studios and workshops! With a creative allus 5sqm away at all times!"

"Ey up! we have 5678sqm of studios and workshops! With a creative only 5sqm away at all times!"

Feedback included to use Ey up for the start of the message as its welcoming and most likely the most recognizable of the slang used. The message itself sums the social and cultural benefit up well with it including both the facilities and students working together in the same sentence. Using 'allus' which means always in the first sentence makes the message more clear and strong, as it stating that a creative student will always be near and one peer commented that its almost a promise made by LCA. Peers mentioned to add "(and growing)" after workshops as it shows the college is expanding and shortly it'll have even more studios and workshops for students. To make the message more clear, I decided to include a Yorkshire slang key below the message to make it more clear.  The finalised display message is below:

"Ey up! We have 5678sqm of studios and workshops! (And growing) With a creative only 5sqm away at all times!"

In terms of the body copy that would be used in the banner and pop up stand, only two aspects need to be highlighted more 'Facilities' (5678sqm of workshops and studios) and 'Community' (A creative only 5sqm away). For the facilities content I needed to reflect the outstanding facilities available, which the university prides itself on but also the new build in which more will be available. The community content would have to communicate the specialist college and the small community within which prepares you for the industry.

Facilities content
At Leeds College of Art you will not be held back by the limitations of facilities or equipment. State-of-the-art resources and libraries offer you the best possible opportunities for proving your talent and your potential. You’ll be able to produce work which meets or exceeds the demands of modern practice in art and design. Our workshops and studios which span over 5678 sqm are equipped to industry standards, and are run by highly skilled staff who contribute significantly to our teaching. And it wont be long till even more amazing facilities are available as the new build is on its way in 2018.

Community content
We pride ourselves on being a specialist college that has contributed significantly to the development of art education in Britain, having pioneered new ways to teach and to structure qualifications in the last 170 years. As a student here you benefit from working in a specialist institution, as you will work within a creative community that pushes you to prove your talent and potential. Whether its a fine art or fashion student 5 sqm next to you, you will always find a way that creatively pushes you and prepares you for the industry.

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