Wednesday 20 April 2016

Studio Brief 04

Following on from feedback on which clubs / event spaces to include I wanted to some feedback on what the graphic response would actually be. My initial ideas included a poster, posterzine and a guide book. All different graphic pieces of work with the same information but would each one be relevant to freshers. The first option was a poster, this was a consideration because freshers tend to use posters to cover their halls with, thousands of posters get handed out in freshers week so the poster could be overlooked. I thought of ways to make the poster stand out and a posterzine would be the only option, the information on the clubs would be on one side then a imagery / artwork on the other side for freshers to put up on walls. The last option was a guidebook, personally as a fresher when I was handed or picked up a small book I had more of a connection with the printed media then I would with a flyer or poster. A book comes across more valuable and trustworthy. For feedback I asked my peers which would be the best option and why?

'The guidebook is the best option I think because the book will last longer, you can pass it around unlike the poster or posterzine'

'I like the posterzine because it has two functions, one side offers information while the other side could be decoration'

'I like the idea of a guidebook as I found guidebooks helpful as a fresher'

'The guidebook has the most potential as I can imagine it working as a series for example guidebooks on clubs, restaurants and shops'

The feedback I received indicated that a guidebook would be the best graphic response for my reflective brief, people seem to find a book more trustworthy for information and it will last longer.

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