Friday 29 April 2016

Studio Brief 02

To conclude on studio brief 02, I enjoyed the journey of this brief from research into Japanese design to screenprinting the final resolution. I researched throughly into money, Japanese denominations and Japanese design that helped inform my designs and practice along the way. I believe I managed my time accordingly for this brief, as I set achievable step by step tasks during a busy time, as I had a heavy workload from other modules but balanced my work well. One aim of the brief was to get more familiar with screen printing, and I've achieved this as I’m confident in the whole process of stripping a screen along with printing. When it came to printing the banknote I did come across one problem, the Japanese text I used was to small for the ink to get through so in the end print wasn’t as I expected but I know for next time to use a larger type size. 

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