Tuesday 12 April 2016

Studio Brief 02
Idea Feedback

For feedback for my initial ideas I asked my peers firstly if the rough sketches could be seen as educational tool? 'Even in rough form the ideas clearly have the purpose to educate on robotics etc' 'Simple icons / illustrations help educate for your ideas' 'I like the equation ideas as it straight away makes me think of education'. The feedback I received on this question was encouraging, even in rough sketch the ideas came across educational and informative. The second question was more upfront, as I wanted to know which robot idea worked best? 'My favourite robot idea is the one when it is in parts, as it comes across as guidelines, which could be educational' 'I really like the robot hands with the symbol, I feel it could look nice as just a centre piece in the banknote' The feedback was varied but it was helpful to see the robot ideas also had educational links that inform. And the last question I asked was which colours would work the best for my ideas? 'Red and grey, the red symbolises Japan then when I think of robots, grey colours come to mind' 'All depends on the idea but I would say red and green could work in most ideas' I knew that red would be a frequent answer but I wanted to see which other colours people would associate with Japan.

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