Friday 29 April 2016

Studio Brief 03


To conclude on this studio brief 03 which at times I've found difficult but in the end a very useful brief as its helped me work better as a team member. At first I found spreading the workflow of other modules with this brief challenging, and with the group being briefed before the easter holiday I struggled with motivation for this brief. Once I returned from the break I was able to continue the brief, and with this I learnt new skills that can be applied to future group projects. I believe I contributed well to the group, the video I produced was well received, making the video also made me return to after effects which is a software I count in my skill set so it thought it was good to bring this to the group. The groups concept and ideas were well received too as ‘Money is?’ was selected for the pitch so this was encouraging for all the members of the group. As a team member I feel like I did well in contributing ideas and my role for the video was the vocal point of the idea but if was to do this brief again I think i’d like to contribute more to the printed media such as the invitations, as I had ideas for them but didn't want to delve into other peoples roles. 

Studio Brief 03

Below is the final presentation for the pitch to first direct

End of module Evaluation 

This has been my favourite module of first year because of the length of it and the broad spectrum of work I've produced, this module has been much more self led which has improved my time management skills but other skills I've learnt include traditional print methods such as screen printing and mono printing. Ive been able to relate briefs to my interests like in studio brief 01 and studio brief 04, with the mix of graphic design and music but also producing work that I want to focus more on in second year, like editorial design. 

Working in a group has been a big learning curve for me in this module, I had a responsibility to the group and believe i inputed well with the video and was committed. The brief I enjoyed the most was studio brief 04 as it was a reflective process that I enjoyed, then producing a book that I believe is a style id like to pursue in second year. The brief I least enjoyed was studio brief 02, I enjoyed the research but struggled with developments for the banknote due to the heavy workload I had on at the time. 

Studio Brief 02

To conclude on studio brief 02, I enjoyed the journey of this brief from research into Japanese design to screenprinting the final resolution. I researched throughly into money, Japanese denominations and Japanese design that helped inform my designs and practice along the way. I believe I managed my time accordingly for this brief, as I set achievable step by step tasks during a busy time, as I had a heavy workload from other modules but balanced my work well. One aim of the brief was to get more familiar with screen printing, and I've achieved this as I’m confident in the whole process of stripping a screen along with printing. When it came to printing the banknote I did come across one problem, the Japanese text I used was to small for the ink to get through so in the end print wasn’t as I expected but I know for next time to use a larger type size. 
Studio Brief 02

The final banknote came out as planned, the banknote is informative and educational as it informs about Japans industry of robotics. The final outcome worked well as a screen print but had a few small mistakes in it but I think this adds to the traditional feel to the note.

Studio Brief 02

Above are the separate layers I used for screen printing, Only 4 colours would be used for the screen printing stage. The only worry I had was the japanese type that might have been to small to print.

Printing went smoothly I believe, some prints came out imperfect but I think this added to the traditional feel of the note. I printed on two traditional Japanese stock choices from gf smith for a informed Japanese style but the dotted stock I used added more character

Studio Brief 02

I selected a few rough sketches to develop more, I decided to push the robot ideas further in development but also combined other ideas. The idea of mixing traditional and modern was the aim but too achieve this in a playful sense.

I created these illustrations in illustrator based on asimo the robot, In development I found a style that my peers called Japanese comic like. I feel these designs were also contemporary and simple, unlike a banknote.

The design above is the final development of the banknote, the yellow lines resemble the Japanese rivers found in tradtional designs but these rivers are simplified and made bolder with a yellow colour. Nipponginko which translates to bank of japan is spread across the note in helvetica. The illustrations of asimo show the manufacturing process of the robots and industry in japan. The text says that robotics contribute 15 billion to the Japanese economy so it remains educational. The denomination is a 1000 yen because it is the most common.

Thursday 28 April 2016

Studio Brief 03

We came together as a group to make final adjustments to the posters and invitations, in feedback tutors mentioned that too much imagery relied on the wolf of wall street so we altered the imagery around other factors relating to wall street but had to involve Leeds too. The bank house imagery returns but has the words informing the design this time other than the brutalist architecture being the main vocal point. We also were advised to make the posters black and white to enhance the words more and the outcome made the type more prominent in the posters.

Studio Brief 03

For the second presentation we had two members of the team missing so It was harder to talk about things we didn't personally produce but I believe we did a good job of explaining and presenting what had changed since the last presentation. This presentation was more straight to the point, skipping past inspirations and showing our final outcomes in a more confident way. After the presentation we received feedback on how further refine our idea for a possible pitch. The first was having people will we invite on the night in the presentation, having physical work to present and including the printing process / students in the video.

Studio Brief 03

The developed posters are below, the imagery of Leo Dicaprio from the video are used in the posters to help the ideas relate, the posters are simple but the bold type provokes a response like the video. Kathryn experimented with the poster designs, placing low opacity boxes behind the text along with changing the weight of the type. At this stage the posters only used imagery from the video as we felt it was the only way to could relate the video and printed media.

Changes were made to the leaflet by Arabella, adding the title of the exhibition and removing the Bank House imagery.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Studio Brief 03

Connel produced 3D mockups of the wayfinding that helped us to realise the potential of the space. When you first enter the room there is a small area that shows the brief for studio brief 02. Film quotes will be printed in vinyl on the windows. The video will be shown at the end of the room either through a projector or TV screens. The main wall will include all the artwork from level 4 and level 5, with a brief description of the work being shown next to it. 
Studio Brief 03

These notes were made by Kathryn, she thought of ways we could use the words in the video in posters and invitations. By doing this it makes the concept more consistent and sticks to the playful tone of voice. By realising we needed to stick to a playful tone of voice and noticing that the words used ask what money is, we wanted to change the exhibition name. At the start of the video I placed type saying 'Money is?' and I felt this would be a relevant name for the exhibition as it asks the public what money is, it also makes the exhibition more open; in the sense that its up to them to what money really is.

Studio Brief 03

After our first presentation we received mixed feedback on our idea, we were told how to make the idea more consistent and make it stronger for the next presentations. The most prominent comments made were that the ideas didn't relate to each other and the video had the strongest theme but it wasn't consistent throughout the printed media. We included the building in the posters and leaflets but abandoned the idea of the wall street which was apparent in the presentation. The video impressed and we were told to further the development of the ideas around the video. In the presentation we didn't mention much about the actual exhibition itself, for example what would happen on the night and the space itself. After feedback we came together to discuss how we could incorporate the videos strong aspects into the printed media of the exhibition.
Studio Brief 03

After each individual member went away to design, we came together to share what we did and gave feedback / changes for the upcoming presentation.

Kathryn + Luke poster designs

Shelley - Invitation

Arrabella - Leaflet

Luke - Book